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The Property Screen
Create your property record. 
If you have the Planning and Municipal Street Numbering Modules, once you pick the street from a list, all of the data fields as seen above will automatically populate.  (read more)




The Property Screen

Start your building permit project by identifying the property. Use the ditto buttons to replace redundant typing.  Review the progress of your permit project in the upper right info plate. If you have the Planning and Municipal Street Numbering Modules, once you pick the street from a list, all of the data fields as seen above will automatically populate.

You may also view a project review plate and click on the info icon to learn more about the property as described in the companion Planning Module.

If you wish to have this project identified in a GIS, you may fill out the latitude and longitude data fields. You will notice a row of small icon tabs at the bottom left of the Property screen.  Simply follow the tabs and click your way to the issuing of a permit.

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