Organize and access all of your Profiles Modules from the Master Menu.
You can even access non-Profiles applications if you desire.
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JJF Architects + Consultants is experienced in
multi-disciplined design and private sector management. This further
translates into experience with graphic design, database systems, web site
design and performing in network environments. Focus on team effort and
marketing strategy are always primary objectives when addressing the needs
of the client. Access to multiple databases and tasks insure team or
departmental communication and thus integrated into every design.
With such experience in hand, JJF Architects + Consultants can create database systems
for a variety of clients and tasks for private sector, governmental sector businesses
or the emerging
industry of consumer-to-government (C2G) and business-to-government (B2G)
Our database systems are designed and linked to insure long-term
management of projects even after archive administration functions have
been completed. With several components from which to choose, Profiles
allows simple vertical growth and application expansion based on your needs
and fiscal budget constraints.
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JJF Architects + Consultants will
with a client and learn their work procedures, offering various methods of satisfying
needs and goals. Sometimes, a program should not imitate present functions. New tools can
offer opportunity to improve the method by which one accomplishes a given task.
The database interfaces are
to be "mere mortal" friendly. A user's time should be spent inputting data or
analyzing data versus learning how to use a complex program interface. There are no
intense training courses or voluminous manuals offered because they are not needed.
On-line help is available through "Quick Help"
Instant help info buttons
describe tasks related to areas where
data input is
considered more comprehensive.
applications should be also created for the user,
not the programmer. Based on this premise, Profiles also
offers products for less complex and more efficient oriented
clients. Users therefore have the option of utilizing a complete
interface created by JJF Architects + Consultants plus the option
of adding components of their own, if they so desire. We continue
to offer power where more complex environments cannot accomplish
this type of user's requirements at competitive costs. Even
throughout this product line, one can still connect to another SQL or
ODBC data source such as Oracle SQL by using the "SQL Assistant" thus
further enabling client/server communication at reasonable cost.
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Permit Management Systems Software
Planning Department Software
License Tracking
Inspection Tracking
Street Number and Road Management Systems
Client Spec Software - Governmental and Private Sector
Medical Practice Office Management![](../images/pic_cdprofhandsml.gif)
Customer Complaints / Work Orders
Contractor Management
(See Software)
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